Sunday, December 6, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The exorcist may use prayers, and religious material, such as set formulas, gestures, symbols, icons, amulets, weapon and etc, below show various Christian and Catholic religion equipment that sometimes used to warded of specific demon or vengeful spirit by any priest, exorcists and hunters. All this ancient and unique weapon was the final bastion for humanity against demon, evil spirit, vampire, unholy creatures and etc.

The Key of Solomon, in Latin Clavis Salomonis or Clavicula Salomonis, Hebrew Mafteah Shelomoh, is a grimoire, or book on magic, attributed to King Solomon, probably dating to the 14th to 15th century Italian Renaissance and presenting a typical example of Renaissance magic. A medieval book on magic containing the actual words and instructions of King Solomon himself, instructing his followers on how to summon and master spiritual powers, as in most medieval grimoires, all magical operations are ostensibly performed through the power of God, to whom all the invocations are addressed. Before any of these operations (termed "experiments") are performed, the operator must confess his sins and purge himself of evil, invoking the protection of God. The Key of Solomon seperated into two book, The Heptagram and The Pentagram, each book provide diffrent type of contain of exorcism.
The HeptagramThe Heptagram, first book of The Key of Solomon, The Heptagram is also used in Christianity to symbolize the seven days of creation and became a traditional symbol for warding off evil, The Heptagram is also the symbol of perfection (or God) in many Christian religions
The Pentagram The pentagram is used as a Christian symbol for the five senses, and if the letters S, A, L, V, and S are inscribed in the points, it can be taken as a symbol of health (from Latin salus).Medieval Christians believed it to symbolise the five wounds of Christ. The pentagram was believed to protect against witches and demons.
The Colt of Witch's CurseThere’s one weapon to have, it’s definitely The Colt of Witch's Curse. Made by Samuel Colt for a paranormal hunter in 1845, this special gun can kill anything that stands in its way. A pistol that fires stones from the road to Damascus. Effective they will be against demons.This large-barelled pistol was made in 1845 for one purpose, to kill Demons. Legend has it that there were originally a pair of these weapons, cast from religious relics for the use of a 19th-century Demon Hunter.
Holylance of Echmiadzin The lance currently in Echmiadzin, Armenia, was discovered during the First Crusade. In 1098 the crusader Peter Bartholomew reported that he had a vision in which St. Andrew told him that the Holy Lance was buried in St. Peter's Cathedral in Antioch. After much digging in the cathedral, a lance was discovered. This was considered a miracle by the crusaders who were able to rout the Muslim army besieging the city and decisively capture Antioch. The lance hold mystery holy power that purify everything that is unclean.
Silver Bullet The Silver bullet is the only kind of bullet for firearms that is effective against a Werewolf, witch, or some monsters.bullets forged from the precious metal as a symbol of justice, and blessed by the priest in order to piercing through the target.
Shroud of MosesShroud of Moses- The Moses Shroud is part of the cloth that was used to wrap the body of the Prophet Moses. When lit, the Shroud explodes with a violent bright light that engulfs Demon in a shockwave of death. This item is extremely rare but is also extremely powerful.
That is all the weapon for this chapter, more unique and rare diffrent kind of tools and weaponary of exorcism will be coming soon, until next time.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

我终于明白了,我不在是一名大家认同的英雄,我不配身为一名大家认同的英雄,因为我知道我也会做错事,而不值得原谅,我对我的罪孽很遗恨和堕落。我不需要任何人的同情和原谅,因为我终于明白我是谁,我是暗中的保护者,沉默的守护者。我在也不需要向任何人交代我的一切,我是我行我素的,大家无论如何看待我,冷漠,冷血,堕落,可怕,自私的,我不理。因为我知道我命中注定是一名永远被他人误会的守护者。终于,终于我明白我是天堂不需要我,地狱不适合我 ,人间被遗弃的暗黑骑士。无论如何,我有我的正义,我有我的信义和信念。因为我不是英雄,我是沉默守护者。
"You Either Die a Hero, or Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become the Villain"
Monday, August 25, 2008